In the past years many Azande looked in awe how light skinned Bakosoro has become from his days when he used to look dark skinned like the true colour of a Balanda man, like Futuyo himself. Even though forr years Alfred Futuyo Karaba hinself used to pretend to be a Zande that story ended the day he was appointed Governor because on that day in his first speech Futuyo declreed hinself as Balanda saying that no one should question that and we are happy with him for being a really man in proclaiming who he was. Of course we understand Futuyo when he was powerless as a butcher selling meat in Yambio for years, he could not say he was Balanda fearing Azande could stop buying meat from him.
On the other Hon Bangasi Joseph Bakosoro has been using ambi whitening creams like a woman in order to appear lighter skin in order to fool many Azande into believing he was a typical Zande. Some of the close friends and former housemaid has disclosed to our sources in Juba. A former housemaid talked about how she was amazed to see Bangasi Joseph Bakosoro applying whitening cream to lighten his skin like a woman and she could not believe what she was sering: how a minister uses whitening cream instead of appearing dark skinned like a man. Little did she know it was fool prove against a specific nationality of Azande.
Another colleague who shared a hotel with Hon Bakosoro was also surprised to see Bakosoro, in one evening, using whitening cream even though he tried to hide it the secret was picked. At any rate many people who have known Bakosoro for years used to question and talked of the fact thst he seemed to uses whitening cream to lighten his skin. Now they know the reason.
But is Bakosoro still powerless to the extent he has to use ambi to enhance his appearance to appear like a Zande to convince to gain what l? Or he could simply stop using ambi and declare himself like Futuyo? Does he not know how harmful ambi is if one day something happens to him and he is operated on and the doctors could never be able to stich him back because of harmful effect of ambi? Any way next time we talk about his fake educational background , it might be reason why he has no clue.
The Azande Diaspora sources in Juba.