The Governor of Unity State Dr. Joseph Monytuil has formed Militias Alliance with RSF to terrorise the Ruweng Administrative area. This is a violation of constitutional rights, and it puts our lives and safety at risk in the Ruweng Administrative area and beyond the South Sudan government.
These militias are being used to suppress and intimidate those who speak out against the government of Unity State. I want the South Sudan government to know that Joseph Monytuil has already defected to Sudan Militias ( RSF ) and the day the government of South Sudan dismiss him from his governorship, he will declare war against the entire country. We demand that the government immediately disband and disarm these militias and hold the governor accountable for his actions. It is the responsibility of the government to protect and serve its citizens, not to allow the use of force and violence created by the Unity State against the civilians of Ruweng.
Furthermore, we call on the government to address the root causes of dissent and address the grievances of the people instead of resorting to violence and oppression. The use of militias by the Unity State government that is funded by the First Undersecretary in the Ministry of Finance and Planning further escalates tensions and undermines our democracy in South Sudan We urge the government to uphold the rule of law and to protect the rights of its citizens.
The formation of militias by the Unity State government is a dangerous precedent and must not be tolerated by anybody in South Sudan. We are counting on our government to take swift action and ensure the safety and well-being of all citizens in the Ruweng Administrative Area are protected as stated in our constitution. The people of Ruweng are good, but the people of the Nuer community should not engage with problems from time to time in our neighbouring states of Ruweng and Warrap.
However, Unity State is well prepared enough for anything that is coming on our way. I want our people of Unity State not to engage in war with the people of Ruweng. Yesterday, our youths of Unity State crossed to Ruweng Territory, raided more than thousands of heads of cattle and wounded a few individuals.