In statement obtained by ThejubaMirror News Desk NCA gives 30 days ultimatum to unlicensed Satellites companies to register with National communication Authority in South Sudan.
The National communication Authority (NCA), established by National communication Act. 2012 , is the government agency mandated to regulate the Telecommunication and ICT sector in the country, this includes enforcing the licensing requirements and regulations on all business operation of the same.
Pursuant to section 27 (1) of the National communication Act, 2012 the Authority hereby issues this directive that any foreign company engaging in unlicensed satellite services is hereby instructed to register such services with the Authority for compliance and licensing by the Authority
Through this circular, all private companies and individuals all foreign based satellite companies or individuals intending to engage in satellite television services shall be required to submit application for the requisite license in compliance with the Authority’s laws and regulations.
Accordingly all private companies and individuals via this circular are put on notices of 30 days to comply failure to which the Authority shall invoked its powers under the provisions of sections 97 and 98 of the National communication Act.2012, read together with the National communications Licensing Regulations 2016 and impose penalties including but not limited to prosecution fines closure of businesses and or confiscation of items .