By Nyanbuny Ayul Yuar
My father (Dr Francis Ayul Yuar)was arrested on 12th December 2023 at his office in SIPET/NILEPET company by Millitary Intelligence under the claims of protecting him(from exactly what , I couldnt comprehend). They took him after an exchange of firearms at his office premises(his employees could attestify).
The reasons for his arrest was criminal case no 3748/2023 before Mauna police station and his statements were taken but he was denied bail. The charges are ;
A.sec 72 of south sudan penal code 2008( possession of dangerous weapons)
B. Sec 52 of south sudan penal code (abetment)
C. Sec 208 of south sudan penal code (Attempted murder)
Let it be on record that he has been denied access to a court hearing or investigation therefore they are all alleged accusations.
Therefore on 3rd january the head of millitary presecution through assistant commander of defence forces ordered his release but the director of millitary intelligence refused his release.
On 12 january 2024 the senior public prosecutor order the millitary to bring my father into police custody in order for him to be araigned in court but they denied .
This is all a clear indication that my father is under arrest illegally and they are all mind playing us.The SSPDF is in defiance and violation of the laws of south sudan.
On the ground, we did not give up , my father comes from a very committed community, he is loved and respected for his impact on his community….contrary to those that might think otherwise i believed he has helped and been there for those around him and those that came to him. The chiefs of Ramba community were inclined to find out the reasons behind his arrest and why he was being denied his right to a court hearing. They met on January 2024 and later went deep into finding info of reasons for his arrest and whoever arrested him.
Let it be on record that with the chiefs intervention they wouldnt go forward with such events without the community leader being involved.(community leader of meluth community Stephen Dhieu). They talked to him and he agreed to scoop in and find ways to help Dr francis case .He later refused to assist after the chiefs came to his house for him to deliver his promise. He later directed them to Gen Chol Thon the current minister of defence ,Gen Stephen Marshall the chief of chieftancy of millitary intelligence SSPDF,General Santino Deng the chief of general stuff SSPDF and General Malual Majok deputy chief of staff for administration. All attempts to meet them failed.
We did not give up, Hon Joshua in his capacity as Padang community leader and other member went back again to Stephen Dhieu but upon seeing Joshua(let it be on record) that he immediately got furious and started insulting him and calling him a BETRAYER.The whole essence of meeting him was because we believe him to be our able leader and would intervene if one of our own was facing challenges which i believe any community leader would have been obligated to.
I am writing all this because it is against human rights for one to be kept under custody for about two months without any intervention.
The laws clearly states that after 24/72hours upon arrrest one has a right to a court hearing and his/her case heard.
Under all the facts stated above this has shifted from a legal issue to a more political issue.For us to write this to the general public we have tried all means with the legal team to allow my dad to get justice but it is still being denied.We all beleive that my father is being framed and he has nothing to do with all the accusations being imposed on him.This is a political motive to kill,destroy ,intimidate and assasinate his character by his local political rivals .Therefore if this case is mishandled it could cause community division and conflict among communities at grassroots.
If this is the South Sudan that we are running to then i am afraid of my life and those that come after me. Why are our father showing us toxic ways of handling a nation. They fought for independence and peace only for us to keep fighting against ourselves.Our legal systen is a system of justice and competence and it shouldnt be upon a few individual to corrupt it . South sudan does not belong to a few leaders…it should belong to all of us.
I just want justice for Dr Francis Ayul Yuar.