Dear Honorable Angelina Teny,
We write this open letter with heavy hearts and deep anguish, addressing the horrors that unfolded during the Poktap Massacre. The recent attacks carried out by the Murle ethnic group have exposed a significant gap in security and protection for our fellow citizens across South Sudan.
As the Minister of Interior, you hold a crucial responsibility to ensure the safety and well-being of the population. Sadly, the attacks in Poktap on Friday have raised serious concerns about the effectiveness and efficiency of our country’s security apparatus. The ruthless violence witnessed in this tragic event reaffirms the need for more efforts to safeguard the lives of innocent civilians.
The Poktap Massacre has shaken our nation to its core. Families have been torn apart, dreams shattered, and communities left mourning. We can no longer ignore the relentless suffering endured by our people. It is a time for reflection, accountability, and, most importantly, swift action.
As citizens of South Sudan, we look to you, Honorable Angelina Teny, to step up and take charge in addressing the security challenges that have plagued our nation. We implore you to use your position and influence to bring about meaningful change and ensure the safety of our people. They deserve nothing less.
It is vital that we strengthen our security forces by providing them with the necessary resources and training to combat and prevent such heinous acts of violence. Furthermore, we urge you to prioritize intelligence gathering, strategic planning, and coordinated efforts to preempt future attacks.
But it doesn’t end there. We need a comprehensive approach to address the root causes of the escalating ethnic tensions that fuel these acts of violence. We call upon you to foster dialogue and reconciliation among the various communities, working towards building a united South Sudan where all citizens feel a sense of belonging and security.
Moreover, we implore you to support initiatives that promote education, economic development, and opportunities for marginalized communities in our country. By addressing the underlying issues of marginalization and poverty, we can create an environment where violence becomes less likely to occur.
Honorable Angelina Teny, the Poktap Massacre serves as an alarm bell, a wake-up call to the urgent need for change. We urge you to rise above personal interests, be a voice of reason, and take decisive action to ensure a safer and more secure South Sudan for all.
We, the people, stand united in our demand for justice and accountability. We believe in your potential to make a difference and restore faith in our government’s ability to protect its citizens. May the victims of the Poktap Massacre rest in peace, and may their memory serve as a catalyst for change.
Emmanuel Malual Makuach,