Lakes state Governor H.E Rin Tueny Mabor said he will bring total peace to Warrap state in three months if his laws of Lakes state are incorporated to Warrap laws.
Former chief of military intelligence, Rin Tueny is known for his iron fist leadership which has transformed Lakes state from one of the most troubled states in South Sudan to one of the most secure states.
General Rin has temporarily relocated his office from Rumbek to Kuajok -Capital town of Warrap state to help other Governors with his expertise in security intelligence to achieve peace in the conflict concentrated state.
’I must make sure that I incorporate the same law that brought peace to Lakes State because Lakes and Warrap have similar cases,” Rin announced at a public rally on Thursday in Gogrial East County. “I came to Warrap to help Governor Kuol as a brother and colleague to bring the lasting peace to Warrap State. The laws that brought peace in Lake state must be used in Warrap.”
Governor Rin said he only need cooperation from traditional chiefs and leaders by reporting suspected criminals to the government and be sent to court.
‘’If you cooperate with your government, it will not take three months for peace to prevail in Warrap State,’’ Rin assured.
According to small arms survey, extra-legal detentions and killings of suspected criminals were some of the ways Rin Tueny brought peace to lakes state.
UN Human Right panels had also attributed the reduction of violence in lakes state to governor’s law enforcement, characterized with a ‘swift and sweeping military operations that often bypass legal safeguards.’
For his part, Warrap state governor Kuol Muor Muor warned chiefs and local authorities to stop land demarcation which is seen as a conflict driving factor in the state.
‘’This is not the right time for land demarcation, we came to preach peace and Security awareness to our people