In statement extended to ThejubaMirror News vocal leader youth leader Tito Awen urges DG Bol Anyuon Makuei to stop meddling or refrain from youth affairs
I tried to engage you privately on several occasion and you you are not listening. Please stop meddling into the affairs of the union. I advised you severally that the ministry of Youth & Sports especially the minister is a supervisor of the youth and Union’s activities and yet you don’t listen.
There is nobody allowed by our constitution to call the Congress meeting except me (or my duty through my permission) who was elected by the congress. The Ministry especially the minister has the function to call for dialogue among the youth leaders if he deems it fit but not direct meeting with the union structures without my knowledge. The minister understand this (we appreciate him for that) but you refused to understand. You have the constitution with you, kindly read it.
You turned to be more of a politician in the youth ministry than a technical person. Kindly change from that. There is always one politician in the ministry. Resign and lobby for political position if you wanted to be one. I have knowledge of whatever you are doing and I have respect for you and our ministry.
Keep neutral like our minister, you have long been taken side and it is not advisable for technical person. Where you are not going is a constitutional matter and it may take us to either court, summon each other before the National Commission for Youth Affairs or Petition each other in State Parliament.
If the Ministry or the individuals in hiding have money then donate it to us for the construction of Youth Resource Centre.