By Eng. Michael Wetnhialic, Juba South Sudan.
Let me begin with a few questions; What did Hon. Benjamin Bol Mel do wrong or what is the thing he did not do that prompted some of you idiots to maliciously misbehave towards him and his business? Absolutely nobody among you – idiots will clearly answer my question above. However, to prove these idiots as sadistic persons, here are some tangible achievements of Hon. Dr. Benjamin Bol Mel which no one of these idiots achieved one of Bol Mel’s achievements.
- During his early age or lifestyle, Bol Mel principled refused to allow himself to street life where I assumed some of his agemates were there just loitering. Maybe some of his agemates became useless street kids in his generation and who knows some might have lost their lives through all the grave dangers surrounding the street life. Bol Mel successfully overcame that stage of his life but no single person among you idiots has ever recognised this rare accomplishment of Bol Mel. Why? Is that not hatred and chronic idiotic character of you? Or are you yet to recognize this?
- Hon. Dr. Benjamin Bol Mel on his own profundity, proudly overcame education challenges and acquired the best profitable world-class credentials, knowledge, skills and powerful personality characterized by his brilliant ideas and connections globally. Most of South Sudanese know that all his titles and offices (assignments) came through academics, unlike some South Sudanese dignitaries who got theirs through the rebellious killing of people and mass destruction of properties on tribal lines. Yet you idiots do not have the hearts to recognize this accomplishment. Is that not hatred towards Bol Mel?
- Despite the ongoing unhealthy competition of power and even in the business community both locally and internationally, Dr. Benjamin Bol Mel never gave up on his set targets until he achieved the creation of his booming business which has so far employed thousands of people nationals and foreign experts including some relatives and friends of those idiots who repeatedly mounted hatred on Dr. Bol Mel and his business. The huge number of employees from people of Jonglei and Warrap alone can make an equal number of employees in maybe 2 to 3 Institutions. I have not even mentioned other direct assistance in many forms including buildings, medical, marriage allowance and providing capital to some who already created their businesses. Where else these thousands of employees would have obtained their jobs if not Dr. Bol Mel who employed them? Why some of you if not all of you idiots did not succeed to create just a small business company, not even a big Company just like Hon. Bol Mel made it successfully over the years of troubles? Why you idiots did not even establish at least a small NGO or community-based Organization if creating a business Company is harder? Of course, you idiots can not manage that because your intoxicated rotten brains got overridden by gossip and chronic hatred which made every successful person become the topics of your days throughout. Shame on you idiots (miith diar).
- With all your daily hatred and attempts to confuse and sabotage Hon. Benjamin Bol Mel in his history-making, he did not let his detractors impose failure on him. In endless difficulties surrounding him and his business, Dr. Bol Mel continually moved forward without fear of anything and kept his brain unoccupied with anxiety, and he did allow things that could have belittled him until he emerged to the highest level whereas the top leadership noticed zeal and loyalty in him and brought him into Government to help his fellow leaders and strategists in centre of our country’s decision making. Since Bol Mel took over several roles in numerous institutions, there are signs of improving things. NILEPET and SPLM alone are already retaining strength politically and economically. Without a doubt, our Mighty SPLM is going to win in the upcoming general elections and our state-owned NILEPET shall become an International competitor in the near future to be like other big oil and gas companies. This is because tycoon Hon. Dr. Maj. Gen. Benjamin Bol Mel has patriotically put in the time, energy and resources that are needed to strengthen them and the Government as a whole. And you idiots still have the guts to stage a tribal war on him.
- Nobody who do not know the primary functions or roles of our Ministry of Roads and Bridges except only you idiots who are pretending to be unaware of its roles. This Ministry of Roads and Bridges is actually the direct supervisor of all Infrastructure across South Sudan. ABMC/ARC and other Companies involved in Infrastructure are being strictly monitored by the Ministry of Roads and Bridges. Nothing ARC can do outside the requirements of our Ministry of Roads and Bridges and ARC can not do anything without prior knowledge or approval of the Ministry of Roads and Bridges but you idiots do not see that reality simply because your hatred towards Dr. Bol Mel has blinded you. If it is about Bhar El Ghazal Highway, who do not have evidence of that tallest ex-Minister who was pictured with the Highway in his mouth? And if it is about the money the Government is giving to Dr. Bol Mel for the construction of roads and bridges, do you know how much money the Government is giving Dr. Bol Mel? I am very sure you idiots do not have idea of how much money he is receiving from Government but you are just talking nonsense. Sometimes he is even using his own money on some urgent projects.
Imagine your grandparents did nothing, your parents did the same thing, now you become top idiots doing nothing and your children together with your potential grandchildren might do the same since it is something in your blood for generations. Look at such failure. Is that the job one has to be proud of? If yes, then you are idiots for life!
The same idiots waging war on Dr. Benjamin Bol Mel have their relatives accommodated by Bol Mel in ARC without qualifications/skills just to let them survive. The most painful part is that some of the people engaged in media war or let us say political war are working for the security sector. You are working in the military while practising politics in a clear violation of the Presidential order which forbids active servicemen and servicewomen from politics or conspiracy. What a shame on you guys!!
Conclusion: Those who are fighting Dr. Benjamin Bol Mel will remain poor and vulnerable for life not because Dr. Bol Mel will fight them. Therefore, please you should stop embarrassing yourself by engaging yourself in this meaningless war against Dr. Benjamin Bol Mel and his business. If there is something you assume or see he and his Company have not done to satisfaction, come to the table and it can be negotiated brotherly. This is because war is destructive to both you and Dr. Bol Mel meanwhile peace is productive for all of us not only you or Dr. Bol.