The SPLM-IO Kitgwang movement under the leadership of 1st L.t Gen Simon Gatwech Dual Hoth denounced in the strongest terms possible the awful and unfortunate killing of civilians that occurred recent at the UN civilians protection Site in Malakal, Upper Nile state. Which has the lives of more than 20 civilians and dozens others wounded.
The SPLM-IO KD leadership is appalled by this tragic incident and disturbed, and saddened that this communal violence between the communities continues to happen at the UN civilians protection sites.
In SPLM-IO statement from secretary of information and mobilization Brig Gen David Mai Tang Ngor this has shown that UNMISS has failed its mandate of protecting the unarmed civilians in South Sudan that are under its protection from their own Government.
It is tragedy and a heartbreaking to the entire country; therefore, we send our sincere heartfelt condolence to all the families who have lost their loved ones in this terrible event. Our thoughts and prayers are with all of you at this difficult time .
This cycle of communal violence has been happening from time to time all over South Sudan. The SPLM-IO KD under the leadership of Gen . Simon Gatwech sees this as a failure and deliberate negligent from the UNMISS for protection up to today.
The current corrupt Government in juba by President Salva Kiir Mayardit has failed the people and the country ,but most importantly it had wanted to kill them and that was the reason why they went to UNMISS for protection up today.
In the light of this horrible incident and tragedy at UN civilians protection camp in Malakal between civilians. Th3 SPLM-IO Leadership under the chairman and commander in Chief. 1st L.t Gen Simon Gatwech Dual is hereby calling upon .
The UNMISS to relocate and transport all the civilians to their places of origin this will eliminate the current and frequent communal clashes UN camps across South Sudan .
We call upon the UN General headquarters in News York to find a better solution in handling of UNMISS civilians protection sites in South Sudan
We also call upon IGAD, AU and Trioka to pay attention to the frequent commnunal violence among the innocent and vulnerable citizens in South Sudan under the failed leadership of president Kiir as well as at the watch of the UNMISS.