On this important day in our lives as a PEOPLE – a day when Junubin said #Kidakifaya (Enough is Enough) and moved to decide their collective fate, I want to appeal to us to honestly STOP dwelling too much on the past achievements and failures, and instead, use this day more importantly to have a dialogue critical of the future of this legacy of the then struggle (Republic of South Sudan).
People are spending the whole day reminding us about who and where the first and second bullets were shot. One may disagree with me but, the only difference between the then bloody Sudan and this bloody South Sudan is that Junubin are the ones incharge of the deaths and all forms of sufferings being afflicted against other Junubin.
Believe me, it is time we move on and end unnecessary perpetual relapse to violence, build the democratic state we dreamed of while in the then Sudan. But, to do this, South Sudanese should acquaint themselves and ensure they fully participate in all the ongoing and subsequent processes preceding General Elections, including the Constitution making processes. More so, the Civic and Political spaces should be opened up and allow for media freedom. These are essential tenets in democracy building.
Bol Deng Bol