How to make a man fall in love with you in Juba: The smoky way
Have you ever wanted to make a man fall in love with you uncontrollably? Well, apparently there’s a way to do it – and it involves visiting a witchdoctor’s den in Jebel, Juba.
Recently, images surfaced online of a girl allegedly visiting a witchdoctor locally called ‘kujur’ with her mother. The reason for their visit? To get charms that would help them dupe a man into loving back the daughter, after the daughter fell out with the man. And apparently, the process involves smoking a magic smoke pipe.
Now, I am not saying that I condone visiting witchdoctors or smoking magic smoke pipes, I don’t honestly believe in magical power. But I can’t help but be fascinated by the idea of having that kind of power over men. Imagine being able to make any guy fall for you with just a puff of smoke!
Of course, I am not suggesting that you go out and try this for yourself. But I can’t help but wonder – what other crazy things are out there that people do in the name of love or money? And how far are we willing to go to make someone blindly love us back?
At the end of the day, we all want to be loved and desired. But maybe there are healthier, less magical ways of achieving that. Perhaps it’s time to focus on being the best versions of ourselves, and attracting the right kind of people into our lives.
So, let’s leave the witchdoctor magic and focus on creating our own love stories, without any smoke, bottles or mirrors.
by Juba eye