Though the intensity of communal violence that hit Mundari Community in Kwergi of central Equatoria state remain displaced in mischief camp remains compromised .
Untold suffering of internally Displaced Persons from Mundari Community in Kwergi Thejubamirror humanitarian Reporter managed to explore IDPs situation in Kwergi camp .

On January 21 st 2023 mundari sections fought themselves in Kwergi and the number of local population was internally displaced to river Bank of Kwerigi due to the deadly fighting that claims more lives and results to looting of property and Houses burned to zero.
Authority concern, UN agencies and NGOs never get concerned to the suffering of this people.

There is no humanitarian and medical support offered to these Internally Displaced persons moreover they facet hunger, no shelter and water born diseases as well as numerous challenges that include flooding and rains.

IDPs of Mundari Community resort to be eating wild Leaves and wild vegetables as sources of survival.
Several calls have been made by the concerns citizens but National government and state government gives deaf hears to their suffering.
Displaced people in Kwergi who are almost entirely dependent on wild fruits people in displaced camp and informal settlements often lack of access to appropriate sanitisation and live in overcrowded conditions .