JUBA…..The minister of federal affairs on Tuesday submitted to the parliament a federal policy and strategic plan for scrutiny.
Minister Losuba Ludoru Wongo said the policy contains the contours of a federal structure of government in which “the people of South Sudan envision themselves”.
“This policy is developed to guide the ministry of federal affairs in initiating and adopting a federal system of governance into the permanent constitution.
“It also puts out parameters on how the implementation of the federal system shall benefit the people and the country,” he added.
Loduro highlighted that the policy also guides the three levels of government: federal, state, and local.
He said it aligns their respective policies and programs with regard to principles of devolution of powers and resources at each level.
The strategic plan, according to the minister, outlines the essential values, vision, and mission of the ministry as well as how they would be attained through specific actions.
The plan offers a strategic direction for the allocation of resources to achieve the ministry’s strategic goals.
Also, the policy will contribute to the government’s priorities of sustaining peace and stability, which create an enabling environment for the country to thrive.
Furthermore, the strategic plan’s primary contribution is the construction of a governance framework that promotes transparent and accountable cooperation among different levels of government.
The policy and the strategic plan were approved by the Council of Ministers in February 2023 after being developed by the stakeholders’ consultative workshops held in Juba.
Upon approval of the policy by the August House, the ministry will direct all its activities as per the strategic plan to guide the development of the permanent constitution in terms of defining the governance system, how powers and resources shall be divided by different levels and parts of the government to ensure peace and stability.
The parties to the September 2018 peace agreement under Article 1.4.11 had reaffirmed their commitment to a federal and democratic system of governance that reflects the character of the Republic of South Sudan and ensures unity in diversity, and is enacted during the permanent constitution-making process.
Source:The City Review