BY The Youths of Source Yubu
In statement seen by Thejubamirror News Desk read . We the youths of Source Yubu would like to condemn the allegation levelled against us of forming a rebellion against the government of South Sudan and would stand hereby saying those are all false allegations.
We the youths of Source Yubu have been going through the following from the hands of the Ambororo Nomadic Pastoralists (Seleka);
The Ambororo settled in Bambuti of Central African Republic and have been torturing the youths travelling from Source Yubu to Obbo or other parts of Central African Republic for business but the government of South Sudan did nothing about it.
The Seleka have come from Central African Republic and have settled all around Western Equatoria State starting from Boӧ Bridge to Maridi and have Surrounded Yambio.
They have been killing the youths travelling along the way to those places of which we shall present some evidences here below and these are all youths from Source Yubu but the government went on silence.
The Seleka have been moving in the bushes attacking and killing the youths who usually go for hunting to sustain their living whereby they ended up killing one young woman who was fishing but the government of state still continue on silence.
Once the Seleka (Ambororo) invited a group of young musicians from Source Yubu to come for a night show in Bambuti and ended up killing one of them who was a DJ by the name DJ Meme (Gipson Meme) and the government did nothing to assure the citizens of their safety of staying in Source Yubu peacefully.
The SSPDF based in Source Yubu have been taking sides with the Seleka and covering up everything they do to the Citizens of Source Yubu and the government have not gone down to the citizens to investigate the situation to find out the views despite of the fact that the youths are raising it.
Now concerning what is happening in Central African Republic
The citizens of Bambuti and Obbo have been going through the same torture of rape and murder by the Seleka which also made some youths and vulnerable people from Bambuti ran and settled in Source Yubu for safety. Therefore, the youths from Obbo mobilized themselves to come and rescue their people of Bambuti from the hands of the Seleka of which they are doing now.
Now the youths from Bambuti who fled to Source Yubu for safety decided to join their brothers from Obbo to liberate their land so that they can go back and settle to cultivate and do their business of the palm wine, etc.
The SSPDF based in Source Yubu decided to join the Seleka to fight against the youths in Bambuti in connection with the government of Governor Alfred Futuyo. And the SSPDF have been giving false reports in the name of the Youths of Source Yubu to the government of South Sudan at the national level without evidences or proves.
They have generalised everything by reporting that the youths of Source Yubu have formed a rebel group to fight against the government of South Sudan which are false because there is no evidence.
The SSPDF have attacked the Youths in Bambuti severally claiming that the youths of Source Yubu are attacking them with no evidences and they continue to liaise with the Seleka and the Governor, the county authority headed by the Commissioner came and showed them the boundary but they did not follow his order of which he ordered them not to go and attack Bambuti because it is a different Country.
We the youths who are living here in Source Yubu do hereby declare that;
We are not planning any rebellion against the government of South Sudan by any means we are loyal under the government of the republic.
The SSPDF should not report false reports about the youths of Source Yubu because we are in a different Country and we cannot combine ourselves from different countries to fight our own country.
All the reports sent to the national headquarters should be with concrete evidences.
The national government should send some delegations to come and investigate the situation here based on truth, justice, fairness and concrete evidences rather than phone calls made by the SSPDF and the Tribal Governor Alfred Futuyo and to see it physically.
We are not criminals as the governor always says; we are just farmers, hunters, fishers and domestic workers above all citizens of the republic of South Sudan who have nothing to do with Politics of the tribalism.
Anyone who has filed evidences should prove them not based on the rumours or words of hatred.
Concerning the circulated allegations that the Azande from Democratic Republic of Congo, Central African Republic and Republic of South Sudan have joined together to fight the three governments to form a nation, we want answers to the following questions;
Is it wrong for the youths in Central African Republic to come together after going through a lot of terrible experiences in the hand of the Non-Citizens called Seleka Armed group of Ambororo and liberate their land from them?
Is the government of
African Republic complaining about the presence of the armed boys who are fighting the Seleka ?
Have we heard of any complain of the armed boys fighting their government in Central African Republic?
Have we heard any complain of the citizens of the republic of Central African Republic complaining or condemning the presence of the armed boys who are chasing away the Ambororo out of their country? Etc.
To us here in Source Yubu
We have been condemned, accused, blackmailed of all kind of allegations but today we want the people who are putting all those allegations to give us answers to the below questions;
Is it also wrong for the youths of Source Yubu to defend themselves and their land from such acts as you can see in the above pictures?
We want with evidences what crimes we are causing here in Source Yubu either to our government or brothers from other ethnic groups?
We have seen our very own SSPDF siding with our enemies to kill us, evidence is the audio we listened to Last month whereby our very own representative of the government were coordinating with the same enemies to join hands to fight and it is present in record.
We have seen illegal forces being brought to join the SSPDF, why were they brought and who brought them?
They have said that the Youths of Source Yubu are fighting against the SSPDF; provide a tangible or visible evidence of where their military base is, who is their leader and when was it started and since the government knew about it what was their action?
Governor Futuyo and Santino one of the SSPDF in Source Yubu were quoted reporting to the Seleka and the public that all the Citizens of Source Yubu have cut themselves with magic in preparation for war against the Seleka, Balanda and finally the SSPDF which was false. The cutting (Anti-Bullet) is to prevent the travellers, business men, and the innocent civilians without arms from being shot with gun, because of the case of the “unknown gun men”; is it wrong for us to protect ourselves from being killed like what happened to one of us in Tambura by the name Charles Akoyo who was not in the frontline?
Now what can they clarify to us about the group of militias in Namutina and Bangaru; what are they doing there, who is leading them and what do they want?
The people who were killed in Ibba and Madebe by the Ambororo, is it the youth of Source Yubu who went and disturb the Ambororo which made them to kill those people?
We have seen a flag which is circulating over the social media by the SSPDF who went to attack Bambuti claiming that it is a flag of the Azande Independent country. Therefore we want a clarification on the below flag and we want to ask; which country does this flag belong to? (We want the contact which is here to explain about the post +211923698608 manyaete).
We want to assure the Government of South Sudan that on no account that we shall rebel against the government and we are not fighting against any ethnic group because we want peace to prevail in our land so that we can develop our place, our children go to school, etc.