Part One 16th April 2023
JUBA APRIL 17 2023. ] In politics one can take an insult but not betrayal, and the betrayer must be punished. Over the past 6 years, the SPLM party and its leadership endured much pain of betrayal from some of its senior members. However, the great mass of loyal comrades of the SPLM party are neither deceived nor asleep. They have paid a fearful price for their control of the party and its government, and they do not mean to relinquish it to the greed of few.
This Article unearths the treacherous inside machinations of cabinet minister Hon. Michael Makuei Lueth, minister of information. Makuei continuity in cabinet is a national misfortune. No doubt that he is entirely unfitted by natural capacity and training for the office he holds is painfully conspicuous.
On top of his incompetence, Makuei Lueth is virtually in alliance with the opposition leader Riek Machar. Just like Riek betrayed the people of South Sudan, Makue is actively destroying SPLM party from within. Makuei Lueth is a conscious and malignant conspirator, in concert with others, to put the Government into the hands of its enemies, and to force its friends into the position of rebels. His contradictory statements have shamelessly placed the government in an awkward position resulting in undesirable consequences. The reckless statements that Makuei throw around carelessly have compromised and lower our national standing in the eyes of our neighbours and the international community.
The following statements bear mentioning;
Lowering the Image of Country in the Eyes of International Community: In August 2017 American journalist, Christopher Allen, was killed in frontline in Yei River County area, while covering clashes between the South Sudan People’s Defence Forces and Riek Machar’s rebel group. Makuei then acknowledged the killing of the journalist by government forces unfortunately terming him as rebel, “We have killed a white rebel (Journalist) because he was found on the side of the rebel, so he was a rebel.”
This unfortunate statement was the lowest moment in our diplomatic relations with the Western governments. We witnessed hurtful sanctions including enhanced arms embargo against our Government, innocent government officials were unfairly targeted by these sanctions because Hon. Makuei had misrepresented us to the outside world. It is unfortunate that Makuei had chosen to bring down this government in which he serves in and worse still to foreign countries.
Public Incitement: Micahel Makuei crudely told a group of protesters that “We [government] don’t have teargas/rubber bullets. But we have live bullets, should you dare try to go for protest.” Whereas the statement sounded like caution its intended import was to incite the general public against their government by instilling in them a state of fear that the government does not mean well for them or care about their welfare. Even Makuei himself knows that South Sudanese are not intimidated by the use of force or threats of death. Our people have faithfully remained loyal behind President Salva Kiir out of genuine love and pride.
Mocking citizens by uttering distasteful statements. Sometimes in 2018, Makuei dismissed and ridiculed members of the public who in good faith asked. He told them off in the following manner and I quote: “We are the happiest country in the world. If you are not happy with it you can go hung yourselves.” The statement violated the guiding principles of government communications with the public.
All ministries will use the same basic principles for communication which requires that communications should always be focused on the content of policy, not on image building for individual members of government. With that in mind, cabinet ministers should not seek publicity like celebrities. Communications about policy that hasn’t been approved yet by Cabinet are subject to strict conditions. They should be factual and straightforward in nature, not antagonising or provokes public to negative reaction.
Antagonising Civil Servants: In On civil servants asking for improved pay the reckless minister told them to “select the month of your choice and decide which month suit your delayed salary.” This statement cannot be expected of a government official. Through thick and thin, the people have remained steadfast in their support for the President and the government. It was very irresponsible that the same government could speak to them disrespectfully the way Makuei was doing. his ill intentions of sabotage against his own regime. This was not how to relate with the civil servants.
Deliberately, Makuei Lueth has attempted to incite South Sudanese public against the government and creating destructive factionalism and unacceptable culture. His rhetoric has become more suggestive, and more retrogressive.
There are two questions which immediately present themselves. Has this unbecoming conduct made him liable to sacking? And if so, would it be wise to relieve him? Yes. There’s invaluable evidence that Makuei Lueth is working against His Excellency President Salva Kiir Mayardit, the government, party and the people of South Sudan. Further, Michael Makuei is combative for nothing. He does not comprehend the causes nor the consequences of civil wars, and is curiously ignorant both of the people and our politics.
So, what is our alternative? We recommend that the perfect replacement for the position of Minister of Information and Official Government Spokesman is governor Phillip Aguer Panyang. Phillip previously served as Jonglei state governor as well as SPLA spokesman. His records speak for themselves.
Unlike Michael Makuei Lueth, Phillip Aguer is a man of high integrity, honesty and loyalty to SPLM party. This makes him a good choice in our quest to rebuild the image of our government. We need an individual with knowledge and experience to restructure public relations and media strategies, publicise our campaign programmes through the media and in communities, and coordinate effective messaging.
Phillip is a shrewd politician. He has a good rapport with journalists. He had in the past monitored news coverage and tracks public perception of SPLA defence initiatives, responded well to questions from the media about government actions, and provided timely and accurate dissemination of information to the public during the 2012-2013 skirmishes with SAF in Panthou and Abyei areas.
SPLM Oyee,
Hon. Paul Mayom Akech
Chief Strategist,
SPLM Interim Campaign Committee
& Secretariat
Hon. Peter Lam Both, Secretary
Hon. Adil Makana, Advisor
Hon. Benjamin Bol Mel , Member
Hon. Tut-Kew Manime, Member
Members of the Press