JUBA – The holdout armed group SSUF/A led by Gen. Dickson Gatluak condemns arrest of their four officers in Unity State by the SPLA-IO commander.
“The office of SSUF/A official military spokesman has secured directives from the leadership to regrettably inform our members, the general public and the peace monitoring body in particular that, on 10/April/2023, over four (4) military officers loyal to the SSUF/A Nairobi Declaration had happened to be arrested through the orders of an SPLA-IO area Commander, Maj. Gen. Turuk Khor in Rubkona County, Unity State”. Reads the statement.
Maj.Gen.Puok Ngueny Koh, Maj.Gen.Kew Kuol Riek, Col.Thai Gattiek Zaidor Turoal, Cde.Guong Kew and they were accused of being the staunch loyalists to the SSUF/A Nairobi Declaration under Gen. Dickson Gatluak Jock Nyuot”. Reads part of the statement.
SSUF/A military spokesman Col. Philip Deng Kuol in the statement obtained by Thejubamirror said “Their Military Intelligence (MI) on the ground, had it that four officers are held in one of the most feared SPLA-IO military detention facility at it’s Tong base in Rubkona County, and their health conditions are deteriorating in the process of torturing”.
“SSUF/A leadership calls on actors (SPLM/A-IO) across Unity State to cease from intimidating our members in the state for the sake of peace to hold in South Sudan since its a partner to the ongoing interim government in Juba”. He stresses.
The statement further asks regional blocs, also the Catholic Community of Saint’Egidio and the CTSAM-VM to exert pressure on the SPLA-IO to immediately free our detained officers to help defuse the escalating situation.
The group’s military spokesman Col. Philip Deng Kuol Nguot reaffirms their commitment to the ceasefire signed by the warring parties, but warned should this arrest against their members be repeated, they would not condone it.
“Lastly, SSUF/A reiterates it’s commitment to the 2017 Cessation of Hostilities Agreement (CoHA) later revived in Rome in 2020, but we will not buy any future brutal arrest against our members”. He added.