In statement extended to Thejubamirror News Desk Executive director of CEPO applauds new director Eng. Bernard Amuor Makeny for his leadership skills to managed oil gain.
Edmond Yakani: CEPO appreciates the demonstration of will for promotion of transparency, accountability and fighting against all forms of corruption in the operation, administration and management of Nilepet under the break appointed leadership.
Mr Edmund Yakani, Executive Director of CEPO says the new leadership in Nilepet under Eng. Bernard Amuor Makeny is demonstrate indicators of real fighting of corruption and promotion of transparency. The act of providing platforms of WhatsApp, Facebook and email for whistleblowers report any form of malpractice within Nilepet or exercise by Nilepet staff is remarkable step for empowering the public for demanding transparency and fight against corruption in Nilepet.
[10:25 am, 11/04/2023] Jamal Karim Abdulaziz: Previous leaders of Nilepet treated Nilepet as it is not public institution that the public have the right to hold its leadership accountable. The Nilepet is public institution that can be held accountable by any member of the public across the South Sudan. Since Nilepet is revenue generating institution. Mr Yakani stressed
[10:25 am, 11/04/2023] Jamal Karim Abdulaziz: Finally, CEPO will be closely tracking the implementation of the reform agenda in Nilepet by the new leadership and CEPO is urging the leadership to adopt public engagement initiatives such as radio talk show with title “Talk to Nilepet” as your constitutional obligation for demanding transparency and promoting prevention of corruption in oil sector business