CEPO strongly condemned a targeted attack dated 17 ‘March, 2023 on the humanitarian convey of 100 trucks where humanitarian assets and staff in Uror county of Jongeli state where it resulted to death of two people and others were seriously injured. This is unaccepted act and it is a violation of international humanitarian law.
Mr Edmund Yakani, Executive Director of Cepo says communities and armed groups in Jongeli state should abstain from attacking the humanitarian convey the statement extended to Thejubamirror news Desk
This is act of imposing hunger to the population targeted by the humanitarian assistance. It is moment that we facilitate the humanitarian assistance to move freely without any hindrance from the armed groups or communities
The government ministry of humanitarian affairs and disaster management should renew the humanitarian forum as a platform for demanding for accountability and justice against crimes committed against the humanitarian workers and staff being (national or international). Mr Yakani stressed
Finally CEPO will engage in effective advocacy for holding the perpetrators of violations against the humanitarian workers, staff and assets to be held accountable in competent court of law