JUBA – Over nine angry soldiers abandoned Gen. Stephen Buay and declared themselves to SSUF/A Nairobi Declaration under Gen. Dickson Gatluak Jock Nyuot this afternoon.
“The South Sudan United Front/Army office of the official military spokesman is much honored and pleased to announce to the general public, SSUF/A revolutionary staunch supporters across the globe that the entire leadership of our movement is proud to welcome the “heroic decision” taken by our like-minded comrades from SSPM/A under Gen. Stephen Buay. The group is headed by Colonel Stephen Duol Wal along with eight (8) well armed and trained officers, NCOs and men”. Reads the statement seen by Thejubamirror this afternoon.
In the statement released by the SSUF/A military spokesman Col. Philip Deng Kuol Nguot this afternoon. A list contenting names of 9 soldiers was revealed.
Their names go as follow:
Col. Stephen Duol Wal (Akobo County) Maj. Chuol Gatwech Longechuk County) Maj. Gatwech Koak Koang (Akobo County) 1st. Lt. Thuok Girmale (Maiwut County) 1st. Lt. Latjor Bil Chuol (Nyirol County) Gach Ruon (Nasir County) Muoch Gach Ruei (Maiwut County) Yien Dak Deng (Longechuk County) William Yat Wal (Akobo County)
According to the group’s military spokesman Col. Philip Deng Kuol Nguot, “The renegades have cited mistreatments from the leadership of SSPM/A and vividly opted to join the SSUF/A Nairobi Declaration in search for an immediate restoration of a genuine peace to our war-torn country”.
“With a great pleasure, SSUF/A under the wisely leadership of Gen. Dickson Gatluak Jock cares for all servicemen and all are welcome to the rank and file of SSUF/A”. Col. Deng added.