At least 1 prisoner in Lakes Stste South Sudan died for lack of food and others are serious condition.
According to sources on the ground says one inmate was arrested and detained under unclear circumstances that lead to his demise
Prisoners, people in detention .People deprived of their freedom. are exposed to cruel.inhumane and degrading treatments since facility is was created in the state capital Rumbek .
Panda hotel turns into detention centre has raised red alarms since Military governor took over the state as normuous human rights abuses are being committed by officers working in the state .
Thousands of inmates detained and denied access to their families and friends that is most of them are ending up in such situations
Governor of Lakes state should visit the facility and findout the mistreatment again inmates .some officers asking money from visiting families of the inmates to pay when seeing their sons and daughters in prison
Such act is a violation of all rights anyone or anybody has a right to access to medications and food .water and even going to church to pray .
Prisoners who are desperate due to the lack of due process sometimes embark on shortage of food
In prison Panda Hotel detentions centre was used as a torturing chambers and prevent receiving visitors from inmates .according to insider revealed that there is no adequate medical care that is why some inmates died like that .
Governor Rin Tueny Mabor says he is not aware about the incident that happened