By Dut Augustino Agei
Nairobi Kenya
Are you which side of conflict with Sudan people liberation and army or are you with church posted by the former British network Africa correspondent Robin White to the retired Bishop of Torit Paride Taban in the occasion of north South Sudan conflict around village of Torit current eastern Equatoria state. Bishop Paride was said to shall have replied of being with church where armies and congregations were all assembled for mass on Sunday.
There were claps all over South Sudan from radio listeners simply because Bishop Paride tells it well. Church during conflict situations accommodates soldiers and congregant’s insides. This was the time in the history of our nation when conflict took the whole clergy and everybody into frontline that compel the rest of the world into asking of who are the soldiers from the Christian all the way up to leaderships of church in the example of Bishop Paride. North South Sudan conflicts were fought not only in frontline but also before the excellencies of peace in the world. One of them are papacies of different time that works tirelessly for peace to prevail between two Sudan.
I remember during conflict Christians under Catholics in the SPLM/A liberated areas of the South verses the government controls places of the north and relief agencies between put into consideration two veteran’s bishops into exemplified and outstanding works of almighty during difficult time until independence. Southern section was under Bishop Caesar Mazzalari and the north of the Sudan under Bishop Rudolf Deng Majak that controlled eastern and western Sudan Catholics in the plant of gospel in all hard situations. One day the effects of fighting intensified from the Southern side of liberation struggle. The message to all units of the army reflected in radio inform all relief agencies and to Bishop Mazzalari to relocate to eastern African regions and only to return after conflict. Testimony put it that Bishop Mazzalari choses to died with congregant and in case of being arrested taken along as a prisoner of war so be it in short Bishop had nowhere to leave. A week turns into months and into years without any one displaced neither death nor destruction of diocese from proclaimed forces from the government. This actually won the hearts and minds of the people that were soldiers and civilians as well were all baptised and confirmed in a well attended mass on Sunday.
After CPA Kenya referendum policies were too advanced by Bishop Rudolf Deng advocacy call for Christian unity in support of the independence South Sudan from Sudan. This just call was done in different seminars in Rome, East African societies of Christians, African union all the way up to the UN trusteeships council of the world. South Sudan right for succession gain grounds from the international community from different dimension of information gathered from the leadership of civil society in needs of separation that was yarned from all over the world. As a moral all the diasporas group also votes in favour of the independence that carry all the benefits of rights and freedoms of worship in relations to the formation of the new republic of South Sudan. Bishop Rudolf truly plays some phenomenal roles for instability of the country in relations to the British journalist asking as to whether were clergy too in frontline over peace process in the north South Sudan dialogues. This finds answers and forever shall the two veterans bishop positions shall forever be forgotten in the history of our nation.
As South become independence and from independence to another instability Holy Father mission for peace in the world with Africa and to South Sudan in particular considers the element of national phenomena of peace forever in our country. Simple evaluations are that different peace agreement since the country was Sudan could not hold together and always materialised. South Sudan in the views of many people worldwide if not gaining peace after this coming of holy father Pope Francis than who will stabilizes South Sudan on earth and also in the world. Significantly time is now to fulfil coverage of agreement and to the incremental of better ties between Vatican and Juba with special mention of peace that has a foundation of Pope Francis as a mediator and above all in reference to all other future times to come. May South Sudan do whatever they have never done before in respect to his holiness.
In some witnessing papal visit around the world some situations are overcome and to the background of South Sudan are the simple reasons of national unity in the formation of the nation states. This may take into priority of civil society from diverse background from the ethnicity all the way up to South Sudan. Historically Sudan is said to be cradles of mankind in Africa and all the people descent must united with special interest in promotion of one another regardless of ethnicity into oneness under one nation state. Holy Father being a mediator of peace agreement guided with prayers remind us not to temper or violate such kinds of dialogue, reasons for the image of our nations and for the respect of our creator.
From the anthem South Sudan lyrics of the land of abundant that censor the glorifying creator from all the forms of enmity into one future destiny of South Sudan with all of us inside it. Founded by Christian faiths historical visit of pope Francis as a head of states and catholic worldwide are always with several blessings within the fact that better society in the world are in terms of education, health care, security and environmental considerations. As in the ongoing opinions whether Nile rivers are the effects of human settlement over flooding reasons the observer of the UN sustainable development carry the veto of Holy Father Pope Francis. As Christians happy nation are nation whose God is the lord. In other words, leaders are appointed and to our all our fulfilment and who are duty bounded by God himself.
In conclusion all men and women of good will are people called to works for reconciliation, peace, forgiveness and healing of the people of Nation. Pope Francis visit to South Sudan are true moment of strengthening faiths. In some readings in bible God said he will give the key of his Kingdom according to Mathew for the commonality of human person that are called according to his name. May the session of holy father planting a tree signify emblem of peace forever in republic of South Sudan. From Greek word emissary apostolic visit to South Sudan are true manifestation of God loves to our nation South Sudan. As a member of St. Daniel Comboni congregation of South Sudan and Kenya I send forward my true admirations of papal visit to Africa and to South Sudan in particular with a message of welcome.
May the message of love, peace, unity and hope bring all of us together in this papal mass from the onset of contrary opinions into consensus with one another in all areas of the social inclusion, disunity and even hates into one community of people for sustainable peace in South Sudan, Sudan. One of the ties that any nation of people on earth can ever do is by entrusting the future wellbeing of our instability into infallibility of the apostle of Peter chosen by Christ to be head of his church on earth and for peace in the world. Welcomes to republic of South Sudan your holiness Pope Francis.
Author Dut Augustino Agei is a member of South Sudan civil society organisation in Kenya. He is a teacher at Comboni College Khartoum and also in Juba, Sudan & South Sudan. A Vatican scholar at ddis University of Nairobi and columnist at South Sudan local media groups. Can be contacted for comment at