In a statement on Monday, Ciec Manyiel sons and daughters of Yirol Esst county strongly condemned the level of brutality against veteran and vocal Paramount Chief Andrew Madut Buoi .The community accused the army officer of using force against the Chief.
Ciec Manyiel community leaders say Paramount Chief Andrew Madut is severely beaten and injured by security forces who started to beat him
,The community of Ciec Manyiel of Yirol East are calling on both states and National government to form an independent investigation over incidents and bring those responsible to book.
Paramount Chief Andrew Madut has suffered for nothing since he was given a permit to do his Timbers business yet Notorious Lt Col Makuei Achieny who in charge of Maburzeed detention and torturing chambers .community continued asking government of South Sudan to visit the detention facility in Lakes state .
The level of impunity in lakes state since signing controversial laws that give governor Rin Tueny Mabor powers to silence his opponents and other communities in Yirol and Lakes state in general Ciec Manyiel of Yirol East asked central government to held Lt Col. Makuei Achieny with his soldiers to be held accountable.
Ciec Manyiel community  cautions Governor  of Lakes state Gen. Rin Tueny not to return the community of Yirol in into dark days of communal violence since people love themselves as brothers and sisters .