After going over all that happened to me as narrated in my report of the kidnapping and how it came to pass on January 11, 2023, I can surely put the blame of kidnapping me on current Speaker of TNLA Rt Hon Jemma Nunu Kumba. If you read my report carefully am sure you will reach the same conclusion that the operation was highly organised under the leadership of Rt. Hon Speaker Nunu Kumba and her Forum of Azande Political Forum(APF).
The head of the abducting team Major Joseph Wanga used to work for Rt. Hon Nunu Kumba as body guard and office manager when she was Governor. I learned afterwards that he had done such missions before in Yambio. All his jobs including his new military rank of
Major have been through her office and he started talking to me that he can mediate between and Rt. Hon Speaker last year after the first article ” Is Fighting Nunu Fighting God”. Indeed last year I met him and he claimed to initiate talks between and Rt. Hon Speaker it was a prelude to prepare grounds for future operations against me,
After release of my article on 4th January 2023 entitled ” Current Rt. Hon Speaker Unfit For The Office” Major Wanga started calling me again that we meet and continue our talks and when I turned up and Classic Mouna Hotel on 11 January he turned up with hired soldiers from Rock Sector and kidnapped and kept at Rock Sector for 3 days under intense pressure and threats that if I don’t stop writing then they will kill me.
Writing was the issue behind the kidnapping and who was mostly criticized in my writing except Rt. Hon Speaker whom I told the truth about that she was unfit for the office of the Speaker as she has too much hatred for many people and undermines and marginalises people as detailed in the article.
After the kidnapping and hiding me it was her office in charge in order to create diversion like feeding wrong information to the my family claiming that Jackson Gamu headed the kidnapping team instead of Major Wanga.
The other point is the amount of money used in the operation. A simple major earning SSP 8000 cannot produce the amount of money and financing which was behind the operation. It is clear that millions was given to Wanga to bribe police sector commander to ignore the law and to military intelligence soldiers to pretend they are the Government soldiers under the command of Major Joseph Wanga being directed by Chief of Military Intelligence in Bilpam. All lies because he has nothing to do with CMI and he was instead reporting to Rt Hon Speaker plus others connected with her directing the operation. Major Joseph Wanga was supposed to be on route to Congo part of 720 Peace force from South Sudan but mysteriously returned to Juba to lead the operation on apparent instructions from the Speaker.
Hence there is no way Major Joseph Wanga on his own, can plan my kidnapping for his own purpose one week after I wrote an article criticising the Rt Hon Speaker. Even the media concluded all these before my release, and that too was what put another pressure on the team of kidnappers to release me.
Hence it is clear conclusion that Rt Hon Speaker Jemma Nunu organised and financed the kidnapping and the Government must act to prove the link even though kidnappers were
under instruction to make it look as Joseph Wanga was acting alone taking the law into his own hands. The printed materials were all the ones concerned with criticism of Rt. Hon Jemma Nunu Kumba and a good example is the question what did I mean Dr Kennedy Gaaniko was sent to Greater Yambio conference to intimidate and threaten participants because they don’t support Rt. Hon Speaker. Of course I meant her but I could not say otherwise they become aggressive and shoot me.
Another evidence can be seen in what inspired after my kidnapping and Rt. Hon Speaker has remained silent instead of saying she did something like taking to her supporters if any of them was involved since she knows exactly what Joseph Wanga was doing like coming to me and taking ideas to her. Usual a kidnapper is someone who comes like a go between a victim and his boos.
Hence am calling on the Government organs to take action and investigate the link with the Speaker and take appropriate measures on the Speaker and the team of kidnappers who are now outlaws according to the Government.
Hon Eng. Charles Barnaba Kisanga.
Tel: +211917113818 WhatsApp +211925336690