JUBA – The holdout South Sudan opposition group led by Gen. Paul Malong Awan rubbished SSPDF accusations of looting a commercial truck outside Raja town of Western Bhr El Ghazal State over the weekend.
“Our attention has been distracted by the wild propaganda labelled against our forces of having involved in the looting of commercial truck as alleged by an SSPDF senior commander in Wau, Western Bhr El Ghazal State”. The statement reads.
Yesterday, an SSPDF Infantry Division five (5) commander in Wau, Maj. Gen. Abraham Gum Makuac wrote it on his page wall that, “A loaded commercial truck has been this afternoon robbed by armed men in uniform between Timsa and Raja who later made it away with about 45 tons of rice leaving driver nursing wound after he was hardly slapped; and robbers are believed to be elements loyal to Gen. Paul Malong Awan Anei.
In the statement obtained by thejubamirror, SSUF/A Military Spokesperson Col. Philip Deng Kuol Nguot reveals their unpresences in the area where the robbing took place.
“Prior to these SSPDF’s negative accusations, we would like to vividly take this position to assure the public and peace facilitators that, SSUF/A under Gen. Paul Malong Awan has no presences or any forces contented in an afromentioned area”. Col. Philip reveals.
Malong’s mouthpiece said their forces have never participated in robbery since declaration of the movement in 2018.
“Furthermore, since an inception of SSUF/A in 2018, our invincible forces have never involved in any plundering of civilians properties; because SSUF/A mighty movement has principles guiding it despites our projected goal is to liberate all South Sudanese citizens out of this jeopardy situation, but not to rob them like what an hungry SSPDF always commit as the true prime suspects”. He says.
“Lastly, we call upon the general public and peace guarantors to treat that state-sponsored anti-peace statement of Gen. Abraham Gum as unfounded and baseless assertions”. Col. Deng added.