In a litany of actions allegedly undertaken Majak, the founder’s son Mabior Garang….
The Majak Agoot Conspiracy in the House of John Garang It is time for me to break the silence over a few things,
The reason that Dr. Riek Machar demoted me in 2016 and the reason I was pushed out of the SPLM-IO, was a conspiracy by Dr. Majak and others who view me as a theat. Dr. Majak lobbied the IO leadership in 2016 and again in 2020. He met with Dr. Koang Dak and other senior SPLM-IO leaders, he pleaded with them not to appoint me as a Minister in 2016.
As we all know, I still became a Minister in 2016. In addition to those of Dr. Koang standing with me, I became a beneficiary of the Conflict between now VP Taban and now Minister of Defense Mama Angelina. Dr. Majak had lobbied Comrade Taban for me not to be appointed in 2016. I believe had there been no conflict between man’Teny (currently Defense Minister) and our then Chief Negotiator Gen. Taban (currently VP), I may not have been appointed as a Minister in the 2016 government.
It was an accident of history.
The leadership of the SPLM-IO are witness to this decampaign by Majak. I remember many would ask me what Dr. Majak’s issue is with me, they where surprised he was so openly decampaigning me in my own camp -i was not competingwith him in the G10. I was assured by Dr. Koang that the conspiracy of Dr. Majak would be thwarted. The conspiracy of Majak and his political boys failed in 2016.
In 2018 I fell ill two days after returning from the last session of the IGAD High Level Revitalization Forum, in Addis Ababa. We had been warned at this session by Civil Society Activists from Juba, that there was a plot to poison leaders in the oposition, topping the list were mama Rebecca, Mama Angelina and myself, there were others, but these three names caught my attention. I was standing with Comrade Manasseh Zindo when this young lady from civil society warned us of the impending danger.
The reason I am describing the above incident? Is not to lay blame on the Majak group for my poisoning. I have no evidence for that. Or that it was even poisoning, since the doctors failed to diagnosed me. They only suspect poisoning because there is no natural cause for my illness.
Dr. Majak ultimatly failed to decampaign me in 2016 since we all know I was appointed Minister of Water Resources and Irrigation. Dr. Majak was furious! This was around the time he started trying to use the home of John Garang to further his political machinations. Many from the Greater Bor Community will remember that i kicked him out of the house one day for trying to use my father’s house for his politics. I believe this is the day Dr. Majak picked a fight with me and vowed within himself to destroy me. I was not supposed to become a Minisrer before him. I should have been one of the Majak Youth fighting Deng Dau Youth. Majak even sent a group of youngsters to recruit me, led by Mabior Abun. I was confronted and asked point blank.
“Eman’e, e yunh e Majak, or e Yunh Deng Dau?”
It was a question asked in mother tongue, “are you a youth of Majak or are you a youth of Deng Dau?” Though at the time I was supporting Deng Dau, I amswered that I am an independent youth and will work with other independent minded youth. I assured them how I could never campaign for the leadership of Dr. Majak. I believe this is when I became a target of the entire group. They have not stopped fighting me ever since. Even after leaving politics and joining the private sector, they are still fighting me. Even inside the house of my father, they are using Jesus and who can defeat Jesus?
Though I have no evidence about who harmed me and caused my long illness. An illness which resulted in me going blind, deaf in one ear, I was half paralysed, had vertigo and many other complications. At the hight of all this, Majak boys in Juba were boasting that “Mabior ka ci thar gem” (Mabior is finished, in Dinka language). They were bragging about how they are the ones who made the VP -even though Majak was furious when Deng Alor signed the Agreement in Khartoum. They spread rumours that I was suffering from alcohol related diseases and that I had even lost my mind because of my fathers death. Yet doctors did not know what was wrong with me.
I have always wondered how they were so sure I would not make it.
I spent three years recovering from this mysterious illness. I did not get a single visit from them when I was in hospital, the entire three years. They where busy celebrating the Vice Presidency they had supposedly created for Pan Ayen and Jieng Jong’lei.
In 2020 when the government was about to be formed and lobbying for positions started, I was still very sick. I was pleading with Dr. Riek Machar not to appoint me in any position. I wanted to pursue my treatment. I had started feeling a little better, but not 100%. I had started recovering my eyesight and I was now able to walk aided by a walking cane.
This small recovery was enough to cause panic in the Majak camp, who were so sure I would not make it this far -I was supposed to be dead long ago. They were now worried that I may be appointed in the new unity government. So Majak started again with his decampaigning of 2016. This time he did not bother with Dr. Koang Dak -he understood that Dr Koang is my guy! He knew Dr. Koang understood the value I brought to the SPLM-IO and would not entertain his nonsense.
General Amoc Arep is my witness in all this!
The second time Dr. Majak used Puot Kang Chol and Deng Atem Wal (a.k.a Jesus). The current Minsiter of Petroleum, Puot Kang, took Dr. Majak to meet Dr. Riek Machar to have a meeting about how I should not be appointed. They did not know I was even pleading with Dr. Riek not to appoint me and help me with money for treatment. Dr. Majak told Dr. Riek Machar that if I was appointed he would be dividing the home of John Garang and that Mabior and his mother have quarrelled over leadership. He threatened Dr. Riek with being the cause of divisions in the house of Garang and that going against Garang a second time would not be a good look for him politically. He scared Dr. Riek into submission.
This would be enough propaganda to frighten Dr. Riek. Once they had frightened Dr. Riek, it was easy for those of Jesus and other Jong’lei Caucus members to finish the job of pushing me out of the Movement all together.
It was ultimately a blessing in disguise for me as there is no futrure in the IO.
After being pushed out of the SPLM-IO and still being very sick, we decided to continue with our farming, which we had been doing before the crisis of 2013. We established an agricultural business called Nile Valley Foods and the NCSS-YAF as its CSR, we continued with our vision in Kenya under these entities.
When the Majak boys saw that we had survived and were thriving. They started to spread rumours that we had run away from South Sudan and would never return. This is when they introduced the imaginary children of John Garang. They were to take our place -my brother and myself.
In November 2021, I was called to Juba by President Salva Kiir, who sent the head of his security and my MP, to deliver a message. I accepted the invitation to Juba and went with a team of Moderators of the NCSS. It was a historic visit. I was recieved with my team as state guests. We introduced the NCSS and we also gave a proposal about what we think can be done with the Kit Gwang Group, who we had been advising up to that point.
At the end of this meeting, President Salva Kiir gave me some money for my treatment and told me to come back when I was strong so that we can do many things together. I can say he saved my life. In November 2021 we opened a new page with the President and we have not looked back since. If it was not for this reconciliation with President Salva Kiir I would not have been able to confront the Majak boys in the house of Garang. They have divided the house of Garang into people of Mabior Garang and people of Mama Rebecca.
Which is mischief!
There is no such thing. What they mean by koc ke Mama, is really the Majak group who have usurped power in the house of John Garang in the name of Jesus. All I will say here is, Bul Madiing + Bol Mawut = Majak Agoot., if you know then you know ow! These people have used religion to cause all this confusion and it is even becoming a threat to our national security.
Who can deny that there is a problem in the house of John Garang today. The entire community have become victims of the Majak Agoot Conspiracy in the house of Garang and it is even becoming a serious threat to our unity as Communities.
When I returned to Juba a few months ago, I found that the true family friends -families we have known even before the struggle- no longer visit the house of Garang because Majak boys block anyone who is not working for his leadership. The people who I knew since I was a boy have given up visiting out of frustration. Then Majak has put his boys as new family friends they now run everything in the name of Jesus. They decide who comes and goes. They have become the new family friends. When I came to Juba a few months ago, I found them in charge. There is now a second wave of confusion they are planning. There is an attempt to label me crazy a second time. If I speak out, boom, he is crazy. There is a conspiracy to create division again and say Mabior and his mom are competing for leadership. Whi u is nonsense. The trith is, my presence in Juba is counterproductive to the “Majak Plan”. So there is a new operation under way as we speak, to push me out of Juba.
It is total mischief!
To be Continued!