By Nyan Gakrial Akuol
Your Excellency, you are tirelessly committed to ensuring peace, security, unity, and stability for the welfare of your people in the Republic of South Sudan and the neighboring countries and Africa the continent we are all proud of. Despite the risks, while you are patriotically striving to provide equal opportunities for benefits to all your people in the country and abroad, there are malicious groups of people from within the military, political parties, and business community of South Sudan who are blindly investing in causing sub-national violence across the country. These malicious groups pronounced themselves to be your permanent allies yet they are causing endless problems and deaths in this nation.
It is not something new that your administration together with peace partners in the region and overseas such as International Community and others like Troika Countries etc. are fully aware that the ongoing inter-communal violence and wrangling within your government is eroding the progress made in the Revitalized Agreement and could undo the major work done in South Sudan so far. Those malicious groups are the ones behind and they are pretending to be your true supporters yet they are the major source of division and destruction among your people.
Mr. President, the malicious groups sabotaging the peace process in South Sudan and particularly Warrap State and Unity State are categorically divided into 3 factions; using propaganda media war, spreading conspiracy theories around the people, and commissioning serious crimes among individuals and communities just to advance their selfish interests which they claim to be a war they are fighting on your behalf.
Group one (1) is operational under the command of your brother-in-law the current Deputy Director of GIB Maj. Gen. Gregory Vasilis, a brother of your wife Mary Ayen Vasili, the First Lady of this nation. This group is working hard day and night pouring a lot of money into the hands of some skillful people both nationals and foreigners who are tasked to be manufacturing all kinds of dangerous propaganda and conspiracies against some officials from Tonj and Bentiu to make sure they are mistrusted and sidelined with possible removal from their positions by your high authority.
The war Gen. Gregory is funding is basically covering all three counties of Tonj East with the focus of his recruitment centered in the Jalwau community, Thiik Community, Luackoth Community, and Luacjang Community. In these areas, Gen. Gregory has recruited a lot of people who are well-oriented to wage the war on the individuals he is targeting based on sectional lines by providing necessary information to him. Meanwhile, he is providing dangerous conspiracy theories and tactful methods to destroy those he is fighting within Tonj East through his recruits Mangok Gum Mading also known as Mangok Majak, Amb. Clement Deng Akech, Hon. Kocrup Makuac Aleu, Paul Mayom Kur, his son-in-law Abraham Kuc Kuol, Hon. Machot Kur Agor, Gen. Keer Keer Kiir, Dr. Riak Gok Majok, Gen. Francis Marial Abur, Ngor Dhuol, and numerous family members of Gen. Mathews Mathiang Magoordit. In this pretext of Gregory’s proxy war, some personalities such as Gregory himself, Gen. Aleu Ayieny, and Ngor Dhuol funded the highly politicized between Chan Marial Abur and Koor Koor Kuch which ended in what Gregory celebrated and shameful branded as the defeat of the Koor Kuc family.
Coming to Tonj South; Gen. Gregory has also used the means of destruction on the sons of Tonj South who are the politicians using people from the same area so that there’s high friction between them and other politicians in the country, and by doing so, he has been some endless destructive criticism being made by his stooges such as Morris Mabior Awikjok, Emmanuel Akook Malek, Joseph Anei Mador, Majok Akot Makuach and the mastermind of the cyber crimes in the name of media war William Deng Cirrillo by his former mouthpieces cyber-terrorist Eng. Michael Wetnhialic Malil.
Gen. Gregory has equipped these people with needed information, conspiracy theories, and resources to be able to successfully destroy Tonj’s top politicians and some Generals whom he perceived as his enemies. These social media criminals are being instructed by Gen. Gregory to somehow praise some politicians and Generals meanwhile continue waging war on those he is targeting. This is a confusing tactics so that enemies of Gregory would never know Gregory is behind these social media criminals.
In a similar way, your brother-in-law Gen. Gregory has recruited some elements of Tonj North particularly the Kongor community of Akop and Noi community of Kuacthii namely; Gen. Kong Thou, Gen. Augustino Maduot Parek, Dr. August Ting Mayai, Emmanuel Yel Mayar, Paul Dhel Gum, Mawien Mawien Aru, Makuek Chiman Makuek, Madut Magok Magok, John De Mayuek, Kanaj Kuol Maluil, Benjamin Bang Bang, Kanybil Noon Deng, James Ajiek Maruop, Mawien Akoon Monydhar, Andrea Aguer Ariik, and Gen. Aleu Ayieny, the leader of this Tonj North team under Gen. Gregory.
Group two (2) is operational under the command of your brother-in-law Gen. Gregory and his stooges from within sections of Gogrial communities. Disappointingly, Gen. Gregory is applying proxies in Kuac Ayok, Aguok, and some sections of Apuk Giir communities. He has been funding some elements whose names are too many to mention all. Those elements are funded and equipped to wage war on some prominent people he hates such as Makiir Gai Thiep, Akot Abiem, Garang Mabior Wol, Paulino Ding Madol, Gen. Lual Wek Guem Guem, Victor Atem Atem and his former political ally Madam Adut Madut plus many others.
The methods of bringing the people close to the personalities above and equipping them with dirty narratives labeled on them and then pouring in the money to fan the flame more are what Gen. Gregory mastered. He identifies who supports who and engages such a person, brings him closer, and recruits him against the person he took him from.
Group three (3) is operational under the command of the same man, your brother-in-law Gen. Gregory Vasili and his temporary political ally Minister Angelina Teny. This group has hired media criminals to concoct propaganda against the governor of Unity State Dr. Nguen Monytuil and Security Advisor Tut Gatluak Manime. The intention is to create conflict between the President, Tut Gatluak, and Dr. Monytuil so that they go into the loggerheads which will eventually result in the dismissal of Dr. Nguen and a possible takeover of the Unity State government by a person of the interest of Vice President Taban Deng Gai. If it happens, Tut Gatluak will be fought by labeling human rights abuse against him.
In conclusion, Mr. President, you and your cabinet with international partners have been tirelessly working to being peace, security, and stability in South Sudan but now your close relatives led by Gen. Gregory are watering the great work done by your administration. Surprisingly your brother-in-law Gen. Gregory is secretly using wealth and powers granting him full authority in his process of initiating and funding things that are causing serious problems and suffering to the people who brought you to power through liberation struggle and voting during elections and self-determination. His meaningless war on every community has left thousands of people asking what is Gregory fighting for while the Presidency is in the big house of his sister Mary Ayen Vasilis! Millions of people are asking; how come your people are being terrorized by Gregory who is using the wealth and powers he got from you? Is Gregory important to you more than those highly populated States of Warrap and Unity being destroyed by your brother-in-law Gregory? Mr. President, your brother Gregory deserves to be distanced from Government institutions since he made billions of dollars for himself, he should be relieved to go and focus on his big businesses across the country and overseas. He can be one of the helpful investors in this country if he fully focuses on his private businesses. Gregory must leave government work and go to the business community.