An official has called on the national government to deploy security forces in all the hot spot areas of Jonglei State and the Greater Pibor Administrative Area to avert inter-communal violence.
Gatluak Gatkek Chieka, who is the Clerk of Akobo town calls on the government to troops at the border areas to intercept raiders.
The proposed areas are Akobo, Nyirol, Duk, Anyodi, Bor counties of Jonglei State, as well as Paritet and Lekuengole of the Greater Pibor Administrative Area.
“We need the unity government to intervene and deploy forces in all the junctions. Like the border of Akobo, Nyirol, Duk, Bor, Anyodi to the far of Paritet (counties of Jonglei State) and even the border of Lekuangole (GPAA) so as to prevent these communities,” said Gatkek.
Last month, armed raiders from Jonglei State attacked Gumuruk County of Pibor, leading to deadly fighting with the local youth.
Pibor authorities said 56 people were killed, dozens were injured and around 30,000 thousand people were displaced.
There were also reports of cattle raiding and child abduction in Uror County of Jonglei State.
Speaking to Eye Radio on Thursday, Gatkek also added that the move will pave way for peace dialogues, if sustainable calm returns.
“That will be the solution, because they will take the opportunity to dialogue when the army is deployed in the area. And after that, the peace will have time to prevail.”
This week, the Government of Jonglei State negotiated the release of six children abducted from the Pibor Administrative Area by suspected armed raiders from the state last month.
The minors are four girls and two boys, aged between 2-13 years.
The deployment of joint security forces and community police in the restive region has been a recommendation of past peace initiatives.
But it has not been implemented by the government.