The governor of Jonglei state has threatened to name people fueling violence between youth from the state and the neighboring Pibor Administrative Area.
Denay Chagor said he knows those who are working hard to fuel the violence.
However, he did not mention their names.
The restive greater Jonglei region has witnessed inter-communal violence for a week now.
According to the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, an estimated 30,000 people have been displaced, following violent clashes in the area.
OCHA said the violence has also led to cattle raiding, destruction of properties and displacement of thousands of people.
It added that some 5,000 internally displaced people, including women and children, have arrived in Pibor town after fleeing the conflict areas of Gumuruk and Lekuangole.
At least 56 people were reported killed and dozens were wounded in the days of escalating fighting in Gumuruk County.
Speaking on the state-run TV, SSBC last evening, Jonglei state governor Denay called for peace and dialogue in the Greater Jonglei region.
“We briefed him [Kiir] about the situation in Jonglei that is unfolding right now between Jonglei state and Pibor Administrative Area, and we told him that the state is working so hard to make sure that we calm down the situation,” said Denay.
“So far some of the youths have returned back, some of them have reached Bor, and some of them are going back to their counties,
“Our message to you, is that if you are working so hard to make innocent people die. We know you and the country will know you soon,
“We are asking our people to come together and embrace peace and open dialogue among ourselves so that peace can thrive in South Sudan”.
via eyeradio