A student has called on the Ministry of General Education and Instruction to adjust the academic calendar for primary and secondary schools, in accordance with the East Africa region.
In April 2022, the ministry blamed the Coronavirus pandemic for imposing what it described as an “unusual academic calendar” in the country.
It said the government has been struggling to adjust the calendar that was ruined by lockdowns and other pandemic measures but also said the ministry will soon find a way back to the original calendar.
But since then, the calendar has not been adjusted.
This means primary and secondary schools in the country are currently opening in the middle of the year and carry the final examinations to the following year.
Wilson Mayor, who calls himself Student Rights Activist, said the disruption of the academic time frame has deprived students and pupils of important festivities.
“The concern I would want to raise is the issue of the calendar as we are aware that the calendar of South Sudan has been affected more especially the school calendar of general education in the country,” he said.
“It has been affected by the coronavirus but the rest of the countries like Uganda, and Kenya, adjusted their school calendars.”
He calls on the government to normalize the calendar that was altered during the outbreak of COvid-19.
“So I would like to take this opportunity to urge the ministry of general education to adjust the calendar of South Sudan.”