The Jonglei State White Army Youth, under the leadership of Mr. Kor Awoe of greater Bor, Mr. Reath Tut of Greater Lou Nuer, and Mr. Omot Omot of greater Pochalla, are here to make their points clear to the SSPDF on its involvement in the civilian youth fight.
The leadership of Jonglei State Youth White Army wants Mr. Lul Ruach Koang; the spokesperson for the South Sudan People’s Defense force to understand that SSPDF is a national force formed to protect all citizens in South Sudan.
The SSPDF was not formed for the protection of Criminals, particularly Murle tribal men who continue to violate international human rights laws by kidnapping human beings and holding them against their will. Covering these Murle criminals could easily drag the South Sudan government into violating the Geneva Convention of 1949 international treaty.
Mr. Lul Ruai Koang, you need to justify your media statements to the level of fairness and correct yourself from calling Lou Nuer Youth Criminals. As a friendly advice, please rest assured that statements as such are permanent records; thus, for own your good, take it or leave it.
The reason why youth from Dinka Bor, Gawar Nuer, Lou Nuer, and Anyuak communities combined to fight against one ethnic community of Murle is well known to SPLA and the South Sudan government. Murle community became hazardous to the entire Jonglei State for their criminal youth are constantly terrorizing our communities. The Murle community has saddened our youth for a good reason, and the South Sudan army forces need to take our case VERY SERIOUSLY.
Our youth have no intention to attack any government town in Jonglei State; however, the involvement of the South Sudan army forces fighting alongside Murle army criminals against our youth was the reason why our youth attacked Gumuruk town. Last night we’ve experienced heavy shelling from the South Sudan military on the Gumruk Pibor road, which we ignored.
As a precautionary statement, we want to assure the South Sudan People’s Defense Forces to refrain from involvement in the fight against our youth. Our youth have nothing to do with any government property or to put any harm on the children, women, or elders. Our targets are Murle Youth Criminals or anyone who will back them up.
Our youth will immediately respond to any government-heavy machine guns, such as DSHK 1939-12.7mm, PKM 7.62mm, or any military Howitzer. If we heard any of these military weapons, our youth would run over your Pibor town. An easy way to prevent this mess is to simply distance the SSPDF from backing the Murle Youth Criminals; we will deal with them outside the government towns.
Finally, we are demanding medical supplies and airlifts for our wounded youth. Denial of these services might trigger anger for our youth and may cause unpredictable results.
Signed by:
- Kor Awoe- Bor Youth Vice Chairman
- Reath Tut – Lou Nuer White Army Youth Leader
- Omot Omot- Anuak White Army Youth Leader
Lou Nuer White Army Headquarters, Central Lou Nuer