he South Sudan People’s Defense Forces (SSPDF) says it clashed with the rebel National Salvation Front (NAS) forces in Mangala payam of Juba County on Christmas Day and killed five rebels.
Speaking to Radio Tamazuj on Tuesday, SSPDF spokesperson Major General Lul Rual Koang claimed they also captured five NAS soldiers loyal to Thomas Cirillo.
He said some SSPDF forces on patrol were a who were on patrol on 24th was attacked by the rebels who fought and were repulsed.
“On the 25th, which happens to be Christmas Day, our forces who were on their way to Mankaru Island met with these people who have dug some foxholes,” Ruai claimed. “They fought with our forces and we killed five of their members and captured ammunitions of 82mm.”
The army spokesman claimed that the NAS forces had dug many foxholes intending to launch attacks on the SSPDF forces.
“We found they dug 1,000 foxholes. That means they were on defense. But they later ran to a third island. I do not know its name. It might be in Bari or Mundari,” he said.
Gen. Ruai further claimed that only two SSPDF soldiers were wounded and none was killed.
However, the NAS spokesperson Suba Samuel refuted the claims and said there were no clashes between the two forces.
“We have not attacked anyone. What I know is that in Northern Mangala there is ongoing fighting between Dinka Bor armed cattle keepers and the farmers because the cattle are entering the farms of the people there. And there is also an issue of land grabbing,” Suba stated.
He accused a member of parliament representing Bor in the national assembly of spreading false information about the happenings in Mangala.