Khartoum The leadership of the South Sudan united people Salvation Front (S SSUPSF) has broken relations with the following groups following a comprehensive evaluation of alliance it forged with apparently like -minded opposition.
On August 29.2021, the South Sudan United Front /Army (SSUF/A) led by Gen, Stephen Buoy Rolnyang also formed an alliance with us on August 4, 2022, we formed these partnerships on the basis of mutual respect and confidence as well as shared beliefs and ideas that constitute the bedrock of liberation movement, Given the organizations redundancy and General Malong firm stance on non- issues, we have decided to go a different route.
The resolution on cutting connections shall come to force as of the date of signature of this declaration, we decided to distance ourselves from Gen. Paul Malong Awan because his movement is stalled with little room for manoeuvring since he relies on spurious information and has no clear strategy on the table, we can’t continue to associate with a movement that has made no progress, and the dictatorship were seeking to overthrow has fully taken control of it.
As Gen, Paul Malong is want to join forces with like-minded south Sudanese citizens who are on the path to real liberation. The South Sudan United People Salvation Army Front (SSUPSF) with its massive support base from Bahr el Gazal and Diaspora cannot afford to be in limbo with a split mind, as Gen Paul Malong, On November 22, 2022, we signed a robust merger agreement with Sudan people’s liberation Movement /Army in opposition (SPLM/SPLM-IO) kitwang to build progress and fulfil the purpose of liberation struggle via its ostensible objectives.
The agreement reached between the SPLM/SPLM-IO Kitwang and the SSUPSF is effect, and the two have merged into one under the capable leadership of Gen. Simon Gatwech Dual, we seek no alternatives since the SPLM/SPLM-IO kitwang is the best available because it can question the regime without begging for courtesies as many oppositions do and has the ability to remedy the wrongs in a way that is acknowledged locally and internationally.
In the spirit of the SPLM/SPLM-IO kitwang, we call on all political parties and military groups opposed to juba degradation to join forces with the SPLM/SPLM-IO to rescue the under privileged by Juba elites. The statement from Lt Gen. Tobby Maduot Bilal SPLM/SPLM-IO obtained by Thejubamirror News Desk.