JUBA – A South Sudan civil society watchdog has warned that ongoing attacks in Upper Nile State by forces loyal to General Simon Gatwech and General Johnson Olony may constitute genocide and said government response against these civilian attacks is weak.
This comes after a senior local government official in South Sudan’s oil-rich Upper Nile state said an attack by Gawaar White Army last week on an IDP camp resulted in the killing of at least 3000 people and wounding of unknown, but huge number.
In a statement obtained Thejubamirror News Desk this morning, the Community Empowerment for Progress Organization (CEPO) condemned the ongoing violence in Fashoda and said it is an act of impunity which will amount to crimes against humanity, calling on the parties involved to stop it.
“The Community Empowerment for Progress Organization (CEPO) strongly condemns the ongoing violence in Fashoda area. It is an act of crimes against humanity. The fighting parties must stop it immediately,” CEPO said in the statement.
Edmund Yakani, the Executive Director of CEPO accused the forces of General Gatwech – as well as his allies from Gawaar White Army – and those belonging to General Johnson Olony of engaging in illegal community acts that may constitute genocide.
“The forces of SPLA-IO Kitgwang under General Gatwech Dual and the Nuer white and those forces of General Johnson Olony of Agwelek are seriously engaged in acts against communities and these acts may constitute genocide in the eye of international community. Despite those attacks, the state capacity to protect civilians is weak and UNMISS intervention is needed,” Yakani said.
“The war between Simon Gatwech and Johnson Olony is totally a funded proxy war which is senseless apart from been supported to only create crimes against humanity and other gross human rights violations and sexual violence against women and girls. This ongoing violence are like any other ethnic violence across the global that requires urgent response of the government or international community,” he stressed.
CEPO further urged General Gatwech and General Olony to stop the fighting and use peaceful mean such as dialogue to resolve their grievances instead of committing crimes against civilians in Upper Nile state.
“CEPO is urging Simon Gatwech and Johnson Olony to immediately ceasefire and opt for dialogue for sorting out their political differences without committing crimes and gross human rights violations on the civil population in some parts of Upper Nile state,” he said.